Pedalling for Pleasure
Cycling is an exciting way to explore Melbourne and Victoria using the extensive world class network of off-road cycling trails.
U3A Yarra City “On Yer Bike’ started in 2014 and since then we have ridden most bike paths in Melbourne. We want to share our knowledge so that more people, especially over 50’s and seniors, get to enjoy riding as much as we have.
Part of this website is devoted to describing our favourite rides. These rides are recreational and will be accessible to many people. The routes are mostly on shared pedestrian/bicycle paths where you can ride at a leisurely pace. We try to avoid roads with heavy traffic. Our rides range between 12 to 30 km, with many rides including shorter or longer variations. Most start and finish at a railway station. Usually there are directions for coffee and cakes.
The website also provides information on cycling specifically targeted at the over 50s and seniors. This information is based on our experience of running a seniors bike group.
Select from the menu below to find out more.
Best Bike Rides in Melbourne
Best Bike Rides in Regional Victoria
Get into Cycling
Find a Cycling Group
Setting up a Cycling Group
Safety and Etiquette
Using Public Transport
Our Latest Rides
About Us
This website is funded by the Adult, Community and Further Education Board via the Victoria U3A Network.