Great Mediterranean Cake Shop Ride #3
Rushall to Coburg via St Georges Road, Distance: 7km
Region: Northern Melbourne
Written up by: U3A Yarra City OYB
Last ridden: July 2018
Cafes | Terrain | Ride Details | Variations | Maps
Middle Eastern delicacies.
All roads lead to Coburg, as the saying goes, and this is another way to get to cake shop nirvana. Instead of going up the Merri Creek Trail, this route takes you up St Georges Road. It starts at Rushall Station, in Fitzroy North and goes to the corner of Sydney Road and Munro Street, Coburg.
Once there you are in serious coffee shop territory, and there are a number of options to choose from:
- About 100 m south down Sydney Road is Two Monks Cafe.
- On the other side of Sydney Road at the lights you will find Zatar on the corner.
- Opposite Zatar in Munro Street is True North.
- Go 170 m north up to Sydney Road and you find Yiannis Parthenon Cakes.
- Continue west along Munro Street past the roundabout and to find Vassili’s Garden. Turn right at the roundabout and ride North 350 m up Louisa Street to find Al Alamy.
Cafes and Toilets
There are a number of cafes as you travel north along St Georges Road. There are no public toilets along this ride.
And of course, there are all the cafes described above in the overview.
The bike path up north along St Georges Road has recently been replaced. It is smooth concrete and wide. There is a slight rise all the way up to Oakover Rd.
Ride Details
- Starting at Rushall Station ride 300m west along the Capital City path, then turn right along the path towards Merri Creek Trail. Follow this path over the bridge at the Merri Creek and then continue west, along the path to St Georges Road.
- At the intersection of St Georges Road and Merri Parade, cross over Merri Parade and then Charles Street.
- Cross St Georges Road at the pedestrian crossing and into the centre plantation.
- Ride north up the St Georges Road path all the way to Oakover Road.
- At Oakover Road turn left and ride west down Oakover Road.
- Cross Gilbert Road (careful!) and continue down Oakover Road to Ventner Street.
- At Ventnor Street turn right and ride north along Ventnor Street to Goodwin Street.
- At Goodwin Street turn left into Goodwin Street and then almost immediately turn right into Mt Pleasant Rd .
- Ride north along Mt Pleasant Road for one block, to Kendall Street.
- At Kendall Street turn left and ride west, turning right at the end of Kendall Street. You should now be at the Harding Street suspension bridge.
- Cross the suspension bridge and go west up the steep hill to Harding Street. Ride 130m to Nicholson Street. Cross at the lights then continue along Harding Street until you get to Sydney Road where Harding Street becomes Munro Street. Explore the cafes as described above.
- To get to Coburg Station, continue along Munro Street and turn right on the Upfield Path.
Extend this ride
- by combining it with Great Mediterranean Cake Shop Ride #1 in one of two ways:
- Follow Harding Street Back to the Merri Creek and follow steps 1 to 6 for Great Mediterranean Cake Shop Ride #1 in reverse.
- Continue along Munro Street to the railway line and follow steps 9 to 16 of Great Mediterranean Cake Shop Ride #1.
- Melway or Melway Online: Starts at map reference 30 D11
- Google:
- Please click on box with arrow at top left corner to see the map legend.
- Please click on box at top right corner to see the map in Google Maps. You must be logged into Google Maps to do this.
Please read the Disclaimer before undertaking the above ride.