Ride on 26/2/2021
Photo: Joy
Twenty-two of us gathered at Alphington ready to head off to outer Melbourne. The early arrivals, who were not drinking coffee, left first under the guidance of Rodney who ably navigated what was, for him, a brand new route to the Main Yarra Trail. The second group, led by Penny, soon followed.
Rodney led his group in search of Spark's Reserve to pick up Kris B. and found both on the corner of Heidelberg Rd and The Boulevard without realising it. From Sparks Reserve, the route to the Main Yarra Trail was via The Boulevard and into Wilson Reserve where the downward entrance was steep enough to warrant some of Rodney's group walking down. Once down the hill, the route through Wilson Reserve to the Main Yarra Trail was a delight, bushy and quiet beside the gently flowing Yarra River. During this section, Penny did an initial test of her group's ability to do a successful u-turn!
On the actual Main Yarra Trail heading towards Heidelberg riders from both groups decided that they weren't too proud to walk rather than ride up the hill under Banksia Street. At Heidelberg, Penny offered her group the choice of a paved track, or somewhat rougher tracks following the river. The latter was chosen by Chris P. and we hold him responsible for the next u-turn test as the group headed into a deadend at a bend in the river. On the bright side, this was a brand new bit of the river for us to see with some magnificent trees.
Both groups enjoyed the undulating trail as we headed out to Westerfolds Park. Rodney's group stopped to observe a number of kangaroos grazing in a clarance surrounded by bush, noting how similar it may have been to pastures created by the Wurundjeri as a hunting ground.
There was no toilet stop option from Heidelberg until the Main Yarra Trail way about to leave Westerfield Park and it was there that the two groups met up to hear Rodney's fascinating indigeneous commentary.
Rodney's group headed off to reach Petty's Orchard first. Penny's group soon followed. Both groups got to see an elderly wombat slowly grazing at the path's edge. Either it had finished eating or two large groups of inquisitive bike riders were enough as it suddenly took off at a great rate going under Wendy's bike on the way!
Morning tea/lunch was really good – excellent coffee and food, and great surrounds at Organics Cafe in Pettys Orchard. A new OYB favourite!! After our refreshments and conversation, some of us rode back to Clifton Hill, while the rest of us found the Diamond Creek Trail and headed off to Eltham Station.
Thanks to all who came and provided such excellent company.
Rodney and Penny