The Plenty River
Greensborough to Alphington, Distance: 20km
Region: Northern Melbourne
Written up by: U3A Yarra City OYB
Last ridden: 4 November 2016
Cafes | Terrain | Ride Details | Variations | Maps
On the Plenty River Trail
This ride follows two scenic rivers, the Plenty and Yarra Rivers from Greensborough to Alphington along the Plenty River, Main Yarra and Darebin Creek. It is easy to forget that you are in urban Melbourne as you ride.
The Plenty River Trail is through a mixture of landscaped parklands and bush with towering eucalyptus trees. It is quite shady in summer. Watch for kookaburras, lorikeets, echidnas, orb weaver spiders and, if you are unlucky, the elusive tiger snake.
The Main Yarra Trail passes through Banyule Flats and the Warringul Parklands before heading through Bulleen Park and past Kew and Latrobe golf courses. Look for cockatoos, ducks and other birds. At dusk or dawn you might see a platypus. Part of the Artists Trail featuring artists from the Heidelberg School is along this trail.
The final part of the ride is on a picturesque section of the Darebin Creek Trail alongside Latrobe Golf Course and parklands. This part of the ride takes advantage of the recently opened link between the Darebin and Yarra Trails. It crosses the Yarra River before crossing Darebin Creek three times and passing under the historic bluestone bridge at Heidelberg Road.
Cafes and Toilets
There are cafes near the start and at the end of the ride. It is also possible to leave the bike trails and find a café in Burgundy Street, Heidelberg.
The ride is undulating on a mixture of gravel and sealed bike trail.
At the top of the last hill!
Ride Details
Greensborough Station to Plenty River Trail/Main Yarra Trail (8.0km)
- The ride starts on the north east of Greensborough Station on the corner of Poulter Avenue and Pope Place
- Head away from the railway line to find a park on your right.
- Turn right onto the trail leading into the park and head towards the river. This is the Plenty River Trail.
- Follow the trail until you reach Bicton Street.
- Ride along Bicton Street to where the Plenty River Trail continues.
- Follow the trail as it follows the river. There will be several river crossings (on bridges!). The Trail leaves the Plenty River just before you cross Martins Lane and then passes through Banyule Flats.
- After around 2.7km it meets the Main Yarra Trail.
Plenty River Trail/Main Yarra Trail to Darebin Creek Trail (8.8km)
- Turn right onto the Main Yarra Trail.
- Follow the Main Yarra Trail. For the next kilometre or so there are a few alternate paths but they all join up again so head west generally. You’ll know you’re on track if you cross Plymouth Street, a cul de sac.
- Continue along the Trail.
- As you approach Banksia Street/Manningham Road West, follow the Main Yarra Trail as it turns left to go in front of The Greenery Garden Centre. Do not go straight ahead to the road. You then go under a very steep underpass under Banksia Street. You may like to walk your bike down this.
- After about 5km from Plymouth Street (see step 9) you’ll cross the Yarra. About a kilometre after this the trail meets the Eastern Freeway.
- After about 1.7 km riding next to the freeway you’ll cross Belford Road and after another 200m meet the turn off (signposted Epping 42km ) to the Darebin Creek Trail.
Darebin Creek Trail to Alphington Station (3.0km)
- Turn right.
- Follow the Darebin Creek Trail for 2.4 km crossing several bridges and going under Heidelberg Road and the railway line.
- Take the next left turn in Darebin Parklands and follow the path until it bends left just before Yarana Road.
- Follow this section alongside Yarana Road for about 300m to Wingrove Street where you will see Alphington Station in front of you.
Shorten the ride
- by finishing at Heidelberg. Replace steps 10 to 17 above by Yarra Trail 1 steps 23 to 25.
Extend the ride by either
- riding towards Clifton Hill and the city on the Main Yarra Trail (see rides Yarra Trail 2 and Yarra Trail 3) or
- combining with
- Melway or Melway Online: Starts at map reference rhubarb rhubarb
- Google:
- Please click on box with arrow at top left corner to see the map legend.
- Please click on box at top right corner to see the map in Google Maps. You must be logged into Google Maps to do this.